Engineering Manager Role

Gaining an understanding of responsibilities and contributions

Bogdan Plieshka
3 min readJun 9, 2023

Engineering Manager facilitates and promotes efficient work among engineers.

While concise, this definition of an Engineering Manager is indispensable.


Three primary areas contribute to this endeavor: people, processes, and business (product).


The Engineering Manager is deeply invested in the well-being of their engineers.


They diligently attend regular one-on-one meetings, providing constructive and uplifting feedback to their reports.

Mentorship and support

Their role extends beyond technical guidance, as they offer mentorship and unwavering support, ensuring the success of each team member.

The workload balance of their colleagues is monitored, preventing the onset of burnout.

Conflicts management

When conflicts arise, the Engineering Manager adeptly manages them or seeks mediation help.

Learning and Development

Nurturing professional growth and development, as they meticulously organize learning opportunities for their peers, such as workshops, seminars, and conference trips.

Organizational matters

Taking charge of organizational matters, the Engineering Manager handles various responsibilities, including managing PTO and Sick leaves, evaluating performance, and conducting salary reviews.

Roles and Duties

Establishes roles ensuring alignment between individuals who assume these positions and the organization.


They actively seek out and recruit talented individuals, overseeing their smooth onboarding process.

Role Model

By possessing a stoic resolvent and commitment to their craft. Engineering Manager leads by example, embodying integrity and excellence in all their endeavors. Their actions should inspire trust and confidence, leaving a mark on their team.


Creating an environment that radiates positivity, the Engineering Manager wholeheartedly acknowledges and celebrates the team’s achievements.


The Engineering Manager guarantees the completion of engineering projects by establishing transparent processes.


The role of an Engineering Manager in documentation is significant and should not be underestimated. While it may not be the primary responsibility, it plays a crucial part in ensuring effective communication.

Technical Roadmap

They actively contribute to developing the technical roadmap, aligning it with the team’s objectives and overarching company goals.

Knowledge sharing

To foster collaboration and eliminate knowledge silos, they synchronize the work of engineers and cultivate a culture of shared knowledge. Collaborating closely with tech leads, they define and promote standards that drive innovation and ensure consistency throughout the organization.

Suboptimal recognition

With a discerning eye, the Engineering Manager identifies and dismisses suboptimal proposals, prioritizing efficiency and excellence.


The Engineering Manager influences the product and plays a pivotal role in its evolution.

Collaboration with the Product Owner

They collaborate closely with the Product Owner, acting as a partner overseeing the planning, execution, and successful delivery of engineering projects.


Engineering Manager fosters a sense of empathy for the product, ensuring that the team understands and aligns with its vision.


They take charge of defining project objectives, setting clear goals, and assigning tasks to team members, ensuring a focused and efficient workflow.


In addition to their day-to-day management responsibilities, the Engineering Manager actively contributes to the long-term strategy and planning for the product, ensuring its continued growth and success.


As an ideas bringer, the Engineering Manager generates innovations to enhance the product’s development and evolution.


To excel as an Engineering Manager, several crucial attributes must be cultivated. Expertise, technical background, effective communication, and sound decision-making skills are among the key pillars that form the foundation of this role.

Technical background

Engineering Manager should possess a strong technical background in the relevant engineering field. This allows you to provide guidance and support to your team members, review and evaluate technical designs and solutions, and make informed decisions.


Effective communication is key in this role. Engineering Manager should be able to effectively communicate with team members, stakeholders, and executives, both verbally and in writing.

Decision Making

Faces challenges and makes critical decisions. Finds a balance between scope, time, and cost triangle.

An Engineering Manager’s role is vital. They foster efficiency, support their team, and shape the product. With technical expertise, effective communication, and sound decision-making, they lead by example. Their impact reaches people, processes, and products, creating a positive work environment. They document, align roles, and champion innovation.




Bogdan Plieshka

Engineering Manager at Zattoo | React Berlin Meetup Organizer | Crafting symbols for over a decade 👨‍💻✨